Experience Our Princess Camp This Summer! Princes Welcomed Too!

Step into the magical world of Disney with our Princess Camp! Join us at our Enchanted Kingdom camp, one of our five Specialty Camps for the 2020 summer.

This camp will get your children excited with all of their favourite Disney and animated heroes, princes, and princesses. Whether you’ve gotten your youngsters into the old Disney classics like Pocahontas or Sleeping Beauty or Beauty and the Beast, or they’ve forged their own path with new-age Disney characters in movies like Frozen, Rapunzel, or Moana, our Enchanted Kingdom camp will have something for each and every one of your young Disney fans.

princess camp


Our princess camp will allow your children to experience the life of all of their favourite Disney and animated characters through creative art projects, fun dress up days, and so much more. During the week your little princes and princesses will have time to try their hands at a variety of special Disney-infused activities. At the Enchanted Kingdom they’ll have fun conversations where they learn more about their favourite characters and movies, and they’ll even get a chance to re-enact some of their favourite scenes and songs!

The true magic of the Enchanted Kingdom is that the kids will be having non-stop fun without even realizing that they’re building and learning important skills at the same time! They’ll learn to be curious, learn how to play nice with others, and foster good team-building skills. The classic and new-age Disney movies and characters will be used as a foundation to grow these skills but also, and most importantly, our camp will promote a booming sense of imagination in your children!

Your kids will feel like true princesses and princes when they begrudgingly leave the Enchanted Kingdom camp! And don’t be surprised if your little ones start asking for more Disney movie nights after a week living in the shoes of their favourite heroines and heroes for a week with us!

Camp Tournesol has been welcoming tens of thousands of enthusiastic campers to our wide array of French day and overnight camps since 2001, and now we’re proud to present our Specialty Camps offered entirely in English!

While these specialty camps are separate from the rest of our French camps, your little princesses and princes will still join the rest of our enthusiastic campers for some water-fuelled fun at the weekly splash pad excursion on Thursday. They won’t miss out on the legendary imaginary campfire Wednesdays or our big festival Fridays either!

Click here for more info on dates, locations, and cost for this magical Disney adventure!


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